Google’s balloon-powered Internet And Wind Energy Projects To Come To India

Tech giant Google has recently mentioned about its plans to bring balloon-powered Internet and wind energy projects to India and is working with the government with the same.

The internet project is named Project Loon, which is about using high-altitude balloons for offering the best internet at affordable prices to around five billion people, who don’t have internet for now.

Google’s Internet And Wind Energy Projects

The VP of business Innovation at Google X, Mohammad Gawdat, was quoted by TOI in a report, where he said that by 2016, Google is intended to start a commercial format and it is already in talks with governments around the world, including India and other telecom operators.

The balloons used the project will travel 20 kms above the earth surface and software algorithms will determine the balloon movement based on wind direction.

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The project was started as a pilot one in New Zealand, where 30 balloons were used to offer internet to a small group.

Gawdat also said that the new technology will be way greater than telecom towers that need huge investment. Even in case of damages and disasters, the cost of infrastructure damage will be large, which can be avoided with the new technology.

There is also a wind power project in the pipeline, which is intended to make great improvements to the renewable technology and at a lower cost.

Gawdat also said that the production for the wind project may also start in 2016, keeping the government interest in the same is huge.