Following Crimea’s secession referendum on Sunday, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a treaty with Crimean Prime Minister on Tuesday making Crimea part of Russia. The ceremony at the Kremlin was attended by both houses of the parliament.
Almost 97 per cent have voted for split from Ukraine in the referendum. The signing of treaty has led to historical redrawing of Russian borders since World War II towards the Black Sea region. Crimea is now a part of Russia and no longer Ukrainian territory.
In an emotional address broadcast on television, Putin said that Crimea has always been and remains an inseparable part of Russian people in their hearts and minds. He slammed the Nikita Khrushchev’s Soviet-era decision to gift Crimea to the Ukrainian Soviet republic. He said that Russia was plundered as Crimea suddenly ended up being in another state.
Putin said that Russia was tired of being pushed by the west in a corner and has been deceived repeatedly on many issues. He added that the west crossed a line on Ukraine and warned against provoking Russia. However he played down fears that Russia may incorporate parts of Eastern and Southern Ukraine saying that Russia doesn’t need the break-up of Ukraine.
Crimea being a part of Russia sent shock waves for the new authorities in Ukraine, who took over after ousting their president Viktor Yanukovych last month. Lawmakers broke into applause and cheers after the signing.