Narendra Modi Welcomes Chinese President XI Jinping at Ahmedabad

Chinese President XI Jinping will be embark on his three day visit to India starting from Ahmedabad today.

At the commercial capital of Gujarat, Xi Jinping would be welcomed by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi who turns 64 on the same day.

Narendra Modi Welcomes Chinese President XI

Xi Jinping would be arriving in the afternoon at Ahmedabad where he would be accorded a red carpet welcome. The six-hour visit in the state would also call for the signing up of agreements by the two nations in respect with the region.

The visit would be primarily focusing on the trade relations between the countries alongside the various bilateral issues to be discussed during the talks including infrastructure, economy, railways and boundary issues across the North Eastern regions.

Xi would be visiting the Sabarmati Ashram along with Modi during his times at Ahmedabad. In the evening, the two leaders will leave for Delhi. The duo will be leaving for the capital state of Delhi by evening which would be followed by the bilateral talks to be held at Hyderabad House on Thursday.

The Chinese President would also be addressing the Indian Council of World Affairs. Xi would be visited by the Vice President of India, Hamid Ansari, which would be followed by the visit of Chinese President to his Indian counterpart Pranab Mukherjee.

Xi would also be paid a visit by Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan and Congress president Sonia Gandhi before he leaves on Friday.

Incidentally, it would also mark the first visit of Narendra Modi to his state after taking oath as nation’s Prime Minister.

About S Ranjita 449 Articles
Ranjita is a seasoned writer on a variety of topics. She has been writing for 8 years now on various international publications. Entertainment and current news topics are her favorite. She can be reached at [email protected]