Video: Congress supporters shouted ‘Pakistan Zindabad’ slogans in Belagavi, case registered

Video: Congress supporters allegedly shouted 'Pakistan Zindabad' slogans in Belagavi, case registered

In a shocking incident, some people allegedly raised ‘Pakistan Zindabad’ slogans in Belagavi, Karnataka, after Congress won the assembly elections on May 3, 2023. The video of the incident went viral on social media, sparking outrage and protests by Hindu groups. The police have registered an FIR against the unidentified persons under IPC section 153 for promoting enmity between different groups .

The slogans were reportedly shouted outside a counting center in Tilakvadi, where Congress candidates defeated the ruling BJP candidates. It is unclear whether the slogan-shouters were Congress supporters, but some media reports claimed that they were. The Congress has not issued any statement on the matter yet.

The incident has raised questions about the loyalty and patriotism of some sections of the society, who seem to celebrate the victory of a political party by hailing a hostile nation. Pakistan has been involved in several terrorist attacks and ceasefire violations against India, and has been condemned by the international community for its support to terrorism. The slogan ‘Pakistan Zindabad’ is considered anti-national and offensive by most Indians.

The police have launched an investigation to identify and arrest the culprits. They have also appealed to the public to maintain peace and harmony in the city. The Congress, which emerged as the single largest party in the Karnataka elections with 135 seats out of 224, should also take responsibility for condemning and distancing itself from such anti-national elements, who tarnish its image and reputation.

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