In a bid to ensure that voters forget all the political scandals, scams, plummeting rupee, the rising petroleum prices and the mind blowing inflation that has marred the citizens of the country over the past 10 years, the UPA government is trying to get as many vote-pulling programs and projects up and running as it possibly can.
Following in the footsteps of the Food Security Bill, the Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Bill and the Protection of Livelihood and Regulation of Street Vending Bill, is the new direct benefit transfer scheme that would allow LPG customers to have the subsidies (they are eligible for) transferred directly to their bank accounts mentioned in their Aadhar Cards.
The ambitious scheme is set to cover almost half the country by the end of the year and officials claim that the scheme has already seen as much as INR480 Crores being transferred into nine million LPG users’ account as of Tuesday.
The scheme was launched on January 1 of this year and has covered 121 districts through the country under 28 schemes
By January 2014, it should cover almost 50 percent of the country or roughly 289 districts. By the beginning of next year, Kerala would be the first Indian state to have all its districts covered under the DBT.
The LPG subsidy transfer through the DBT platform was launched as a part of UPA-II’s anti-poverty plan though the dropping value of the rupee, the slowing economy and rising cost of living should ensure that there are millions of more poor for the Congress-led coalition to promise salvation to in their next election manifesto!