Leah Remini Proves It’s Never Too Late by Getting College Degree at 53

Leah Remini Proves It's Never Too Late by Getting College Degree at 53

Remini is the ultimate inspiration after achieving a significant life goal this week! The former “King of Queens” star took to social media to happily announce that at the ripe old age of 53, she has officially earned her associate’s degree from New York University. But wait, it gets even better – Leah isn’t stopping there either; she’s currently busting her butt to get her bachelor’s too! You love to see it.

From Scientology Kid to Educated Woman

Now, here’s the truly unique part of Leah’s academic journey. Growing up as a Scientology member essentially her entire childhood, she never had the chance to get much formal education beyond 8th grade. Can you imagine being robbed of that opportunity? It wasn’t until 2013 that Remini bravely decided to leave that controversial church behind.

That life shakeup seems to have been the catalyst she needed. A few years later, at age 50, Leah realized her lifelong dream of continuing her education by enrolling in community college classes. Talking about having the courage of a lion!

“I Wanted to Give Up So Many Times”

Of course, going from high school dropout to college student at the mid-life stage wasn’t all smooth sailing for the actress. Leah admitted how terrifying yet rewarding the last three years have been, confessing there were “long nights, tears, and wanting to give up so many times” as she juggled her studies with work, mom life, you name it.

She couldn’t have crossed that graduation stage without the fantastic support system around her. Leah went out of her way to thank her husband, daughter, friends, therapist, tutors, and even strangers on social media who rallied behind her when the stress got overwhelming.

‘You’re Never Too Old!’

Leah says this accomplishment is a dream come true that proves “it’s never too late to continue your education” at any age. While she knows having wealth and resources helped make this possible, she hopes her story can inspire others out there – especially fellow women – to have the confidence to seek out educational opportunities.

Whether you’re 53 or 23, it’s never too late to hit those books and better yourself! Leah’s livin’ proof that you’re never too old to become a full-blown student again when you’ve got the will and the drive. Let’s all raise a glass to Mrs. Remini and salute her academic achievement!

About Aklimson Phangcho 205 Articles
Aklimson is a passionate crypto enthusiast with a keen interest in blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies, and decentralized finance (DeFi). With a strong analytical mindset and excellent writing skills, Aklimson has been actively contributing to the crypto space by providing insightful news articles, market analyses, and trend predictions.