Buddha Purnima 2024: Share the Joy with Quotes, Wishes, Messages, Images, and More

Buddha Purnima 2024: Share the Joy with Quotes, Wishes, Messages, Images, and More

Buddha Purnima, also known as Buddha Jayanti, is an auspicious day that falls on ‘Purnima’ or the full moon day. The festival falls on May 23 this year.

Buddha purnima

Those who follow this religion are called Buddhists. All religions celebrate various events in the life of Gautama Buddha, including his birth, enlightenment, and entry into Nirvana. Today Gautama Buddha attained enlightenment. The festival takes place on the full moon night in April-May and will be celebrated on May 23 this year. Celebrate with your friends and relatives.

Buddha Purnima 2024: Quotes of Gautama Buddha

1. “Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.”

2. “Every morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.”

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3. “You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger.”

4. “The trouble is, you think you have time.”

5. “If you light a lamp for somebody, it will also brighten your path.”

6. “Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have.”

Buddha Purnima 2024: wishes and messages

1.On this special day of Buddha Purnima, I hope you find peace and happiness in Buddha’s teachings. Let’s try to live a good and kind life like Buddha.

2.May the full moon of Buddha Purnima bring you blessings of peace, understanding, and spiritual growth. Happy Buddha Purnima 2024

3.I hope you have a happy and peaceful Buddha Purnima! May Buddha’s blessings be with you today.

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4.May Gautama Buddha’s teachings help us find freedom from suffering. Happy Buddha Purnima.

5.Let’s celebrate the birthday of Buddha, who became enlightened, on this special day of Buddha Purnima. I wish you a happy and blessed Buddha Purnima!

6.Om Mani Padme Hum. May Lord Buddha guide you with love, peace, and truth. Happy Buddha Purnima!

7.Let’s remember the wise and smart Gautama Buddha on Buddha Purnima. May his teachings lead us to happiness.

8.May Buddha’s teachings inspire you to be kind and loving. Happy Buddha Purnima!

9.Stay true to yourself and follow your Guru’s teachings. You’ll shine bright in your life. Happy Buddha Purnima!

10.Let’s celebrate the wise Gautama Buddha today and try to be wise and caring like him. Happy Buddha Purnima!

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About Shrabani Sarkar 1041 Articles
Shrabani Sarkar is a celebrity news author who has been covering the latest gossip and scandals in the entertainment industry for Panasiabiz. Shrabani is passionate about celebrity news and enjoys sharing her insights and opinions with her loyal fans.